2-3 Years


Who is this for?

Baby Cubs become Bears at the age of two, or the start of the term following their second birthday.

They will stay in this group until their final year before school allowing friendships and characters to really start to develop.

The curiosity approach continues throughout their time in the nursery, we are adding additional experiences into their daily life as each stage progresses. As their attention span increases, we introduce group time activities, forest school visits and begin to focus on reading, writing, and numeracy in more depth.

Children in this team will be cared for on a minimum of 1:5 ratio rising to 1:8 for the children over 3.

What do we provide?

We continue the themes of imaginative play, sensory opportunities and problem-solving throughout the nursery, developing the scope of the resources as the children become more able to experience a wider range of activities.

The Bear children have access to the larger outside space, which includes a large sandpit, a bike track, water play, a mud kitchen and open green spaces. They will also regularly access, their own soft play area and our community room and garden for a variety of experiences.

We find that this is the age we really begin to see a strong sense of personalities forming and developmental milestones becoming more visible so to offer a wide range of options really helps to bring out that individuality!

We continue to follow the EYFS and record “WOW” moments, those special moments of a new or exciting development for your child, in our parent portal app. Daily progress is shared with a team member on collection at the end of your child’s day.

We encourage two way sharing of progress and love parents to bring comments or photos of developments they are seeing at home so we can foster those preferences in your child’s daily play.


Get in touch

If you’re struggling to find what you need, or have any questions, please get in touch. Our team would love to help out and point you in the right direction. 

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Book a visit today

Come along for a tour of our learning areas, meet our lovely team and see if we’re the best fit for you and your child. 

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